On-demand webinar

Basic Event Sourcing Design Principles with Unique Constraints as an Example Part 1

1 hour     Stephen Tung

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About this webinar

This two part webinar series will dive into the core principles that will give you a taste of what it takes to design event sourcing applications effectively.

Part 1 will discuss the concepts such as aggregate, transactional vs eventual consistency, and factors that go into drawing consistency boundaries.

Part 2 will discuss how aggregates and process managers align with event sourcing, when not to use event sourcing, and how to apply all the principles we've learnt in an example about unique constraints

In this webinar you will:

  • Learn about common challenges in implementing unique constraints
  • Learn common strategies used to implement unique constraints
  • Understand the pros and cons of each strategy and when it should be used
  • Watch a demonstration of selected strategies are implemented