On-demand webinar

Enhancing Customer Experiences with EventStoreDB and AI in SteerCRM

1 hour     Andriy Zelinskyy

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About this webinar

This webinar is designed for those in the business who care about the customer journey and the Architects, Developers, data engineers who make the magic happen. Please join us to learn how you can make your customer journey more personalized with the latest technology. 

Webinar Agenda:

  1. Introduction to SteerCRM and Event Store Database

    • Overview of SteerCRM’s core functionalities and how Event Store’s event-native database integrates into their solutions.
    • The importance of an event-native DB in CRM technologies.
  2. Deep Dive into the Event Native Database with Event Store 

    • Technical walkthrough of Event Store’s architecture.
    • How SteerCRM utilizes Event Store to capture and store customer events reliably.
  3.  Success Story from SteerCRM 

    • Specific examples of how an Event- Native Database has enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction.
  4. Live Demo: Tracking and Personalizing Customer Journeys 

    • Live demonstration of SteerCRM in action and personalized journey crafting.
    • Illustration of the backend processes powered by Event Store.
  5. Q&A Session 

    • Open floor for attendees to ask questions and discuss specific use cases with our experts.
  6. Closing Remarks and Additional Resources 

    • Summary of key takeaways from the webinar.
    • Information on where to access additional resources