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Beginner Guides




    Beginner Guides

    • Beginner's Guide to Event Sourcing

      Read time: 20 minutes
      New to Event Sourcing and need an overview of the key concepts? Our Beginner's Guide to Event Sourcing is a great place to start and includes diagrams and code snippets to help explain things.
    • Beginner's Guide to CQRS

      Read time: 10 minutes
      CQRS is an architectural pattern acronym, standing for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. It divides a system’s actions into commands and queries. This guide explains the benefits of CQRS and its core principles, as well as some misconceptions around the pattern.
    • Beginner's Guide to Event-Driven Architecture

      Read time: 10 minutes
      Event-driven architecture is a software architecture paradigm that considers the individual messages of a network of services to be events, rather than requests. Read more in our beginner's guide.


    • Introduction to Event Sourcing

      Duration: 2 hours
      This webinar is a practical introduction for developers and architects who are new to Event Sourcing and are interested in seeing how to convert business requirements into an event-sourced application.
    • Event Sourcing and CQRS

      Duration: 2 hours
      We go a little beyond the very basics of Event Sourcing and start implementing an application that uses the CQRS pattern.
    • What, Why, and When: a story of State-Transition

      Duration: 1 hour
      State transitions record not just what’s changed, but why it changed, and in the order those changes occurred. Yves Lorphelin explains why this is important and how it can give your business new insights into your data.
    • Data Modeling in an Event Centric World

      Duration: 1.5 hours
      When moving to an Event Centric data model it often feels like all of the data modeling tools and skills we have built over the years in more traditional systems are lost. In truth it is the exact opposite.
    • Event Sourcing and Data Mesh

      Duration: 1 hour
      Domain events share both operational and analytical characteristics, and we’d like to share our ideas about building data products in event-sourced systems.
    • Read Models and Projections

      Duration: 2 hours
      We introduce some patterns and anti-patterns of read models, and gives tips on how to build projections with subscriptions in EventStoreDB, and cover eventual consistency.


    • What is Event Sourcing?

      Read time: 14 minutes
      Event Sourcing is an alternative way to persist data in which each state mutation as a separate record called an event, and current state is built from replaying those events.
    • 10 problems that Event Sourcing can help solve for you

      Read time: 6 minutes
      When Event Sourcing is the right architecture style or not? The universal answer tends to be "it depends". So I started thinking about the typical problems where I would use Event Sourcing. I came up with a couple of them, some more functional and some more technical. Here's a summary of those thoughts.
    • Requirements for the storage of events

      Read time: 10 minutes
      This article aims to provide a minimal list of structures and operations that should be available in an event store and ensure application developers can focus on adding business value while knowing the event store of choice provides all the needed features that will allow their application design to grow.
    • What's in an (event) name?

      Read time: 7 minutes
      So, if cooler heads reign when talking about the state of events, what's to be done to help systems evolve and adapt to change? How do we build scalable, interoperable event-driven systems? How do we keep inertia and the cost of change down?
    • Keep your streams short!

      Read time: 40 mintues
      Modeling is hard. We need to take so many things into account. This article will explain the basics of temporal modeling, a foundation for keeping your stream short living.